Fostering Entrepreneurship and Alternative Fees Agreements (AFAs)

From our outset the firm has remained committed to entrepreneurship and the development of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and startups.

In conjunction with SMEs and startups we focus on the following business objectives:

Establishing emerging companies and business ventures

Seed to late-stage funding – starting from early rounds into pre-revenue startups to leveraged investments in profitable businesses

Corporate and legal due diligence

We are amongst the first firms in Colombia to introduce Alternative Fees Agreements (AFAs), which incorporate a distinct fee structure and risk sharing, thus aligning our goals with those of our clients. Securitas Consulting favors business initiatives via solid and stable alliances with SMEs and startups, therefore enabling entrepreneurs to make considerable savings when they need them the most. Through these customized agreements we pride ourselves of contributing our experience and knowledge to boost the growth of our clients' businesses.

In short: we set goals with clear objectives together with SMEs and bear the costs if we do not obtain the expected results. In the case of startups, ideally, we seek new ventures with high growth potential and a technological base. Within our Alternative Fees Agreements (AFAs) framework we establish a competitive fee scheme that enables growth of SMEs and startups with high potential and zeal. 

Alternative Fees Agreements (AFAs)

Our alternative fees scheme provides useful support to upcoming businesses, which partner with us to pursue common goals. Consequently, we establish traceable results, which we achieve within a framework that includes sliding scale fees, subject to our success in achieving set targets. By sharing the risks associated with the uncertainty of new ventures, we seek to become their long-term partners in business.  

Alternative Fees Agreements (AFAs) enable our clients to pursuit clear objectives, adjust their costs to their requirements and budgets, and establish fee caps in advance. In these agreements a fixed fee component is set, plus a variable fee, which is subject to the achievement of preestablished results. Thus, the total costs are lower than those within a traditional attorneys’ fees scheme, since a percentage is delayed and depends entirely on our success. In case a particular venture receives our approval to obtain the benefits of our AFAs, the share of the variable fees may be considerable.

It's simple: if we meet our goals, the firm charges the fees associated with those achievements. Otherwise, if the results are not as expected, clients do not pay the variable fee component. This scheme makes sense for SMEs and startups seeking to strengthen their ventures, but also for us, since we are keen in establishing long-term relationships based on joint accomplishments. 

If you would like to learn more about our interest in endorsing new businesses and our Alternative Fees Agreements (AFAs), please email us at