Procedimientos de Trabajo Seguro

Safe Work Procedures (SWPs) and Process Safety Management

Our OH&S consultants develop different safe work procedures (SWPs) in order to minimize risks for workers performing tasks with critical risk levels. Based on preliminary risk assessments and observation of the tasks performed, SWPs are developed and action plans for their effective execution are defined.

Safe work procedures are documented procedures for performing tasks. The purpose of these safe work procedures is to reduce the risk to health and safety in the workplace and minimize the likelihood of an injury by ensuring that employees know how to work safely. Written safe work procedures list any required personal protective equipment (PPE), when it must be used, and where workers can find it. Certain tasks may require the use of more than one type of personal protective equipment. SWPs are developed in accordance with the best OH&S practices and on the likelihood of injuries when carrying out tasks with critical levels of risk (e.g. electrical repair, maintenance of equipment in the oil sector, construction, etc.). Following our analysis and pursuant to the appropriate technical guidelines, we determine suitable control strategies to reduce the probability of risk and consequently develop SWPs based on an engineering approach aimed at minimizing hazards and risks associated with the tasks at hand.

As part of proper implementation, work procedure manuals and safe work flows are to be reviewed periodically in order to ensure that the safe work procedures are fitting and followed by workers at all times. Additionally a continuous improvement approach should be undertaken in the evaluation and performance review of critical work and tasks. Some of the main sectors for which we develop and implement SWPs are construction, oil and gas, and the electric and manufacturing industries, among others.