OH&S Education & Training

One of our main goals is to provide guidance in Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) and on legal matters. Our focus is on compliance and thus ensure our clients have the necessary tools to prevent legal and OH&S contingencies in their operations.

We are committed to innovate and implement solutions for the low touch economy, therefore we undertake our training via software platforms used for video communication, which enable remote access to our clients' employees. However, we also conduct on-site training whenever required.

Based on a systematic approach to education, taking into account the PDCA cycle (Plan-Do-Check-Act) of OHSMs and the main risks in today’s workplace, we developed a comprehensive training program that includes the most relevant OHS topics for the modern workforce. Additionally we provide customized solutions, according to the specific requirements of our clients.

The following are some of the topics we cover in our OHS training program:

Induction and reinduction

in safety and health at work

System overview

management in safety and health at work (SG-SST)


of labor coexistence (CCL)

joint committee

safety and health at work (Copasst)


posture and jobs


healthy living

Prevention plan

emergency preparedness and response (ERPP)


to the emergency brigade

Curso de primer

of labor coexistence (CCL)

evacuation course

(for the emergency brigade)


y control del fuego


auxilios básicos


of psychosocial risk


workplace harassment

Modalities of workplace harassment

What is and what is not workplace bullying?

The accident

work and occupational disease

applied methodologies

for the investigation of incidents and accidents at work


against stress and culture of self-care

based security

in behavior, a methodology of intervention and prevention of occupational risks

The legal regime

of safety and health at work (OSH)

System regulatory framework

management in safety and health at work (SG-SST)

System audit and review

management in safety and health at work (SG-SST) by senior management

Management system integration

in safety and health at work (SG-SST) with the quality management system (ISO 9001)

Implementation of the SG-SST

for the certification of excellence in safety and health at work (SST)

Programs, plans and projects

with added value in OSH for the certification of excellence in safety and health at work (OSH)

Introducción a los virus

respiratorios emergentes, incluido el SARS-CoV-2 (módulo de la OMS)

Bioseguridad para la prevención

y el manejo de situaciones de riesgo de contagio en las instalaciones de la empresa

Lavado de manos

y correcto uso del tapabocas

Recepción de insumos

productos y correspondencia

Desinfección previo

al uso de elementos o herramientas

Limpieza, desinfección y manejo

de residuos al interior de las instalaciones de la empresa


para contratistas

Atención de personas

con síntomas compatibles con COVID-19

Bioseguridad para la prevención

y el manejo de situaciones de riesgo por fuera la empresa


de la salud mental frente al COVID-19