Road Safety Strategies (RSS)

Road traffic risks are one of the main causes of accidents and an issue to be addressed by companies that identify them as a priority in their hazards and risks assessment matrices. Companies which find this hazard a primary source of risk are not only those legally obliged to have road safety strategies (RSS). Based on an in-depth analysis of the road risks and specific priorities of our clients, we document and plan the actions, mechanisms, and procedures to be undertaken in order to prevent road accidents and slash traffic accident rates.

The road safety strategies (RSS) developed by the firm fully comply with Law 769 of 2022 (Colombian National Traffic Code), Law 1503 of 2011, and Resolution No. 20223040045295 of 2022 of the Ministry of Transport, which establishes a single unified resolution regarding traffic. Thus our work is compliant with the procedure defined in the Technical Appendix Methodology for the Design, Implementation and Revision of RSSs in the aforementioned resolution. 

Initially, companies are placed in one of the following three (3) tiers: basic, standard, or advanced, according to their corporate mission, which means that a distinction is initially made taking into account if a company is focused on providing land transport services and the size of the company. Accordingly, appropriate action is to be undertaken in order to tackle road traffic risks, based on the level established and the applicable methodology for a given company.

Our goal is to ensure safe mobility and overall safety of workers based on the best practices of professional transport and other relevant aspects that must be duly addressed, such as vehicle safety, effective policies for the control of alcohol and drug use among workers, and the characteristics of mobility in urban areas, among others. Likewise, we incorporate these plans into the companies’ occupational safety and health management systems (OSHMS) and determine the actions to be carried out in order to prevent traffic accidents, in line with an efficient management, which establishes responsibilities, evaluations, and follow-ups on RSSs.

It is important to take into account that, pursuant to the Technical Appendix in Resolution No. 20223040045295 of 2022 of the Ministry of Transport, RSSs are mandatory for companies that provide land transport services, as well as for companies that do not belong to the transport sector, but nonetheless have more than ten (10) vehicles at their disposal or hire more than two (2) drivers for their vehicles.