Our team provides services in labor management relations, immigration matters, and occupational health and safety (OH&S) enforcement and compliance. The firm is duly licensed by Bogota’s Department of Health since 2013 and our professionals and lawyers ensure our client’s OH&S compliance incorporates not only a legal perspective, but also the highest applicable technical standards.
The firm’s lawyers provide a full range of employment and labor law services, ongoing corporate counsel, and have experience on employee-related issues. Amongst our capabilities are the following: reviewing and drafting of labor contracts, settlement of social benefits, establishing employee-related policies and procedures, employer substitutions schemes, and representing our clients in conciliations, administrative hearings, labor proceedings and litigation, and resolving inquiries from the Pension and Social Security Contributions Management Unit (Ugpp: Unidad de Gestión Pensional y Parafiscales) and the Colombian Ministry of Labor, among other matters.
Our labor law practice covers the entire spectrum of the hiring cycle, starting from procedures for hiring and labor negotiations, planning of compensation schemes, and collective bargaining agreements and the assumption of existing agreements. The firm's attorneys also undertake dispute settlements and the termination of contracts, comprising collective redundancies and voluntary withdrawals. Additionally, we advise clients on workplace employee policies and procedures, pay equity analyses, identifying employment-related problems, drafting employment, consulting and severance agreements, and drafting pay equity guidelines, and structuring the employment aspects of corporate and restructuring transactions, such as procedures for hiring and terminating employees.
Leveraging on the firm's OH&S know-how, we guide our clients in order for them to fulfill local requirements and standards in this area, as well as satisfy the duties established for their joint occupational health and safety committees (Copasst: comités partiarios de seguridad y salud en el trabajo) and labor coexistence committees (CCL: comités de convivencia laboral). Additionally, our team offers advice to foreign companies that establish themselves in Colombia regarding the country’s labor law and regulations, best practices to hire their workforce, compliance with immigration requirements, and processing residence and work permits. In short, the firm supports organizations in overcoming the full spectrum of labor, employment, and OH&S challenges. In order to undertake our work, the practice has a multilingual team which can provide the above-mentioned services in Spanish, English and German.
- Labor management relations and immigration
- Drafting employment, consulting, and severance agreements
- Occupational health and safety (OH&S) enforcement and compliance
- Settlement of social benefits
- Employee-related policies and and procedures
- Procedures for hiring and compensation schemes
- Collective bargaining agreements, assumption of existing agreement, end employer substitution schemes
- Dispute settlements, collective redundancies, and voluntary withdrawals
- Pay equity analyses and drafting pay equity guidelines
- Structuring the employment aspects of corporate and restructuring transactions
- Processing residence and work permits
- Conciliations, administrative hearings, and labor proceedings
Due diligence
in labor and OSH matters
Preparation of contracts
and settlement of social benefits
of policies and regulations
Accompaniment in reconciliations
and in administrative hearings
Representation in litigation
labor and before the requirements of the Ugpp
restructuring and collective relations
Shareholders' agreements
in labor and OSH matters
of immigration regulations
of work permits and residences