OHS Training to Secure Compliance and Minimize Contingencies

De acuerdo con nuestro propósito de implementar soluciones prácticas enfocadas en minimizar los riesgos legales y ocupacionales de nuestros clientes, Securitas Consulting desarrolló una amplia oferta de capacitaciones virtuales en (i) asuntos legales, (ii) seguridad y salud en el trabajo (SST) y (iii) competencias digitales. Esto último procura facilitar el cumplimiento de las empresas con su obligación de garantizar óptimas condiciones de salud y seguridad en el trabajo, incluso cuando adoptan el teletrabajo y/o el trabajo en casa.

Law 2088 of 2021 is the mandatory legal framework for teleworking, emphasizing the following items, which are to be incorporated by employers:

  • Programs that ensure physical and mental health conditions, as well as safety and health at work
  • Education, training and development of digital literacy in order to adequately work from home

In accordance with the above, the firm is undertaking virtual training sessions with the aim of strengthening the digital, legal, and occupational health and safety (OSH) capabilities of our clients. Currently, the focus of our offerings in these areas is centered on senior management, legal teams, and workers that support the implementation of occupational health and safety management systems (OSHMs) in companies (e.g. joint committees on occupational health and safety, labor coexistence committees, and emergency brigades, among others).

In addition to the above, we implement innovative new media solutions to develop internal and external communication strategies, which are linked to occupational health and safety (OHS) and/or compliance. compliance.


Visual communication is one of the most useful tools to deliver messages and undertake corporate campaigns. Regardless of whether a company is interested in internal communication for their team or aims to adequately inform external agents about company efforts, in both cases corporate videos are an ideal way to meet these objectives.

Web y Apps

The web guarantees continuous interaction, enables gathering consumer insights, and speeds online service. Additionally, the intranet and webapps are innovative mechanisms that deliver content which can be tailored to the needs of any given company and its target groups. In order to deliver feedback and information regarding business progress to a wider audience, a website is an ideal platform where diverse media virtually converge.


Corporate brochures, books, guides, and leaflets, amongst others, are an important source of reference for a company's staff and can also provide vital information to an external audience. Our print media meets the highest standards and is a significant value-added service from our firm.